A lot of people who don’t drive for a living don’t understand just how physically demanding the job is day in and day out. Even though you’re not doing a lot of moving, your back absorbs a great deal of stress with every bump or dip in the road. In fact, commercial drivers have one of the highest rate of on-the-job injuries in any industry.
If you’ve suffered an injury while driving a truck in Minnesota, we may be able to help. However, we also want to help truck drivers take some strain off their back so they don’t suffer a back injury. Today, we share five ways commercial drivers suffer spine injuries, and we offer five tips to protect their back.
Commercial Truck Driver Spine Injuries
Here’s a look at five ways a driver’s spine is stressed each and every day, and how you can eliminate some of the strain.
1. Repetitive Microtrauma – As we mentioned above, every bump and pothole on the road takes a toll on a driver’s spine. Having good shocks in your truck can help, but it may also be beneficial to invest in a cushioned seat pad. This will help displace the stress of your body so your weight isn’t just channeled through your lumbar spine. A firm yet supportive cushion can work wonders during long drives.
2. Poor Posture – Good posture isn’t always comfortable posture, and it can be easy to slump down in your chair when you’re on a long haul. Try to keep your seat upright so your head is positioned above your shoulders and you’re not leaning back to rest your head on the headrest. If you’re having problems staying in this correct position, you can invest in a pillow or a small towel to put behind the small of your back. This will help naturally shift your spine into the correct position and keep you from slumping.
3. Spasms and Cramps – Another issue that commercial drivers are exposed to are muscle fatigue, cramping and spasms. There are two key ways to prevent these injuries – stretching and staying hydrated. Whenever you stop, take 3-5 minutes to do some trunk twists and other back stretching exercises. Also, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. These measures will help ensure blood is flowing properly throughout your back and getting oxygenated blood to all your back structures and muscles.
4. Diet-Related Spinal Inflammation – It can be very difficult to eat healthy meals while you’re on the road, but it’s important that you do. If your diet is full of saturated fats, carbohydrates and refined sugars, you’re increasing your risk of developing inflammation in your spine. This inflammation can irritate joints or nerves in your spine, and it can lead to minor or major spine pain. Try to mix in some healthy meals on the road, and your spine will thank you.
5. Truck Accidents – The last point is likely the hardest to prevent, but there are still plenty of things you can do to prevent an accident. For starters, always keep your attention focused on the road and away from distractions like your phone. Your stopping time is reduced when you’re driving a big rig, so your full attention is of the utmost importance. Also, keep your speed in check and always wear your seat belt. We know you’re probably on a deadline, but that won’t matter if you end up in a ditch or injured.
If you’ve been injured in an accident or from one of the above points, reach out to Hey Workers. We’ll connect you with the services you need to get medical and workers’ compensation assistance in Minnesota.