If you are injured by another party and you are pursuing a personal injury award, you’re probably familiar with the idea of a settlement or a verdict being reached at trial. However, there are a couple other ways to resolve your personal injury case. In today’s blog, we look at two alternate forms of dispute resolution as it pertains to personal injury law.
Mediation And Arbitration In Personal Injury Cases
Two common ways that personal injury cases are resolved are through what’s known as mediation or arbitration. Here’s a closer look at both:
Mediation – Mediation is a more relaxed version of dispute resolution. That’s not to say that both sides aren’t trying their best for their client, but with mediation, either side can walk away from discussions if they wish. During mediation, a neutral mediator will be selected, and this person will act as a go-between for the two parties. The mediator will ask each side about important aspects of the case and what is most meaningful to each individual.
For example, an injured party may state that all medical bills and rehabilitative costs must be covered, along with some damages for pain and suffering. The mediator would take this to the other side, listen to their wishes, and see if a deal that suits both parties can be struck. During mediation, a deal is only reached if both parties can agree to an arraignment.
Arbitration – Arbitration is a little different. During arbitration, both the plaintiff and defendant agree on a neutral third party to act as a private judge. The case will then play out similar to a standard workers’ compensation hearing, with both sides presenting their case before the arbitrator. The arbitrator will listen to all arguments, review evidence and then issue their ruling. Unlike mediation where both sides must agree to the settlement, the determination made by the arbitrator is final. They will decide who wins and what the payment will be, and the case will be settled.
At Hey Workers, we have a wealth of experience when it comes to prevailing in these dispute resolution situations. We’ve sat next to our clients during mediation to ensure all their needs are being met, and we’ve put forth strong cases to neutral arbitrators and won large award sums for our clients. Whatever route you choose to resolve your case, it is almost always in your best interest to have a lawyer by your side to ensure you’re getting a fair deal and that all necessary expenses are covered. Don’t leave money on the table because you tried to resolve your case on your own.
For more information on how we can help mediate or win your case at arbitration, reach out to our experienced team of injury lawyers today. For a free case evaluation, give us a call at (844) 439-9675.