Roughly 15,000 workers’ compensation checks remain uncashed in Minnesota, and they are set to become invalid at the end of the year. Do you have an uncashed check from a previous work injury award? Learn more about this cache of uncashed checks and why so many have yet to be deposited in today’s blog.
Do I Have An Unclaimed Workers’ Compensation Check?
If you haven’t filed for workers’ compensation in Minnesota, then there isn’t an uncashed check with your name on it. But what if you filed for workers’ compensation last year? Is it possible that you have an uncashed check just waiting to be deposited?
Unfortunately, we buried the lede a little bit here. While it is true that there are roughly 15,000 uncashed workers’ compensation checks waiting to be deposited, they aren’t in the names of injured workers. Instead, these checks are for businesses that previously paid a workers’ compensation insurance premium. See, Minnesota had a massive surplus in its workers’ compensation fund, and the Workers’ Compensation Reinsurance Association is tasked with distributing this surplus. While most of this surplus went to insurers and self-insurers, $35 million was set to be distributed back to policyholders.
That means if your company paid for workers’ compensation insurance in 2020, your company would be eligible for this redistribution. Many companies already cashed these surplus checks, but as you can see, there are still more than 15,000 checks left uncashed. You may not be in line for a payday, but your company may have money coming back to them, and who knows how they may opt to spend that surplus redistribution.
To view a searchable list of policyholders with uncashed checks, to request a reissued check or to get more information about the surplus distribution, head on over to the WCRA’s website.
Similarly, if you ended up on this page because you believe that there may be an issue with your workers’ compensation payments, whether payments are missing or underpaid, we can help. We’ve helped countless clients get their awards and settlements in a timely manner, and we’d be more than happy to help you, especially if you suspect that the insurance company is knowingly making the process harder than it needs to be. So while you likely don’t have a payday coming to you in the form of the uncashed checks we referenced in this blog, we can be the resource you need to earn a big payday if you are injured at work in Minnesota.
For more information on how we can help you, or to talk to an attorney to see if you may have a valid injury case, pick up the phone and call the team at Hey Workers today at (844) 439-9675.